Squared Up is a game where you kill other squares! because the world is littered with basic and generic platformers! do you ever want to do something about it? Have you ever thought about punching something and watching it explode out of sick pleasure? Well, this game is for you! You run through combat sections in the game and kill things without a care in the world! all with an adorable smile on your face while doing it! Beta is out right now! and it's still miles deep in demos, I just wanted to promote this game to share with everyone! and you can help too, by sharing with your friends! want to make it with fun ideas and more improved ideas? or do you want to copy and paste it and give zero credit? (I know who you are) well this is built-in by my good buddy Pynn! without him, this project couldn't even exist! So.. just drop on by and play the beta! TODAY! (Thank you for all of my friend's support and Pynn! I'm so happy for working on this project) (GIVE CREDIT TO ME AND EVERYONE WHO HELPED ME IF YOU WANT TO REMIX IT! **THAT'S ALL I'M ASKING!**)

Development log


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(1 edit)
If you die, click the green flag to restart, I put it there because I don't have a respawn system yet.
It may contain some issues but those will be fixed shortly!